Can I choose the number of pages in an album?
Would you have an album that would measure approximately 8x8 inches square with no more than 15 pages?
Our Traditional Albums
In answer to having a custom number of pages in an album yes you can have 15 pages in fact you can choose how many pages you want as all our albums can have the number of pages reduced for a small cost.
Please note in some cases and where applicable we would not be able to block the spine as we usually do.
Easy Fill Slip In Albums
Again yes you can choose to have your album made for a custom number of photos although the overall size of the album dictates a maximum of 60 photos.
Self Adhesive Albums
Our standard offering of these albums is 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 sheets / 120 sides. These albums feature a post bound system so that you can add or remove pages yourself allowing you to have the number you want.
Album Dimensions
All our Classic Studio 80's have a page size of 9" x 8 3/4".
We have created a page that gives you the page dimensions of all our albums - click here